**NEW** My Demon
Final Verdict: MUST WATCH
“My Demon” is a story about Do Do Hee (Kim Yoo Jung), a human CEO, and Jeong Gu Won (Song Kang), a demon who was once human. Do Hee, a successful businesswoman of her own making, is the adopted daughter of Chairwoman of the Mirae Group, Ju Cheon Suk (Kim Hae Sook). When Madam Ju unexpectedly passes away, her will appoints Do Hee as her heir. Enraged, Madam Ju’s biological children will stop at nothing to prevent Do Hee from assuming the helm. With enemies and threats everywhere, Do Hee meets Jeong Gu Won, Director of the Sunwol Foundation, a reputable performing arts group. Gu Won is a 200-year-old demon who grants humans wishes in exchange for their souls. One night, as Do Hee flees from an unknown assailant, Gu Won hears her desperate cries for help. Gu Won comes to her rescue with the intent of signing a securing a contract for Do Hee’s soul. But their lives become entangled when Gu Won’s cross tattoo – the source of his demon powers – is mysteriously transferred from his wrist to Do Hee’s. Without his tattoo, Gu Won can only wield his powers whilst physically touching Do Hee, connecting their lives. Do Hee and Gu Won reluctantly join forces and enter into a marriage of convenience in order to uncover the identity of those trying to kill Do Hee and return the cross tattoo to its original owner. The two learn to rely on each other and fall in love. They also learn that they shared a tragic fate in a past life, a fate which they seem doomed to repeat in this life, as well. But through their trials and tribulations, they realize that it is not fate which determines a man’s destiny, but his choices.
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Lead Couple
Do Hee, known as “the princess of Mirae Group,” is the adopted daughter of Chairman Ju. Do Hee’s beloved parents were killed in a car accident when she was a child, and Do Hee was raised by her father’s business partner, Ju Cheon Suk, who Do Hee refers to as Madam Ju. While receiving Madam Ju’s love, Do Hee matured into a capable woman, overshadowing Madam Ju’s biological children. Do Hee works hard out of habit – a coping mechanism for avoiding her sadness – and lives with the belief that those whom she loves die because of her, a belief reinforced with Madam Ju’s murder. Because of this, Do Hee lives a lonely life, unable to identify friend from foe.
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Meanwhile, Jeong Gu Won is the world’s top predator. He preys on desperate humans by fulfilling a desire in exchange for their soul, a debt which he collects after ten years. Demons originally existed to protect humans, and this is demonstrated in Gu Won’s name, which means “salvation.” Gu Won has a way of bewitching humans – his butler fell for him in both of his lives – and Gu Won believes that the deals he makes with humans are fair to everyone. The humans would have ended up in hell eventually, and by accepting his offer, they get to have their dream fulfilled for ten years.
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Do Hee and Gu Won meet for the first time when Do Hee mistakes him for her blind date. The two have an instant push-pull attraction. She makes him nervous. She is struck by his sensuality. The two meet again when Gu Won rescues Do Hee from an abductor and the two are knocked into the water. Do Hee risks her own life to try and rescue Gu Won, and with that sacrifice, Gu Won’s tattoo is transferred to Do Hee’s wrist. Gu Won goes undercover as Do Hee’s bodyguard to remain by her side. But while Gu Won’s initial intent for acting as Do Hee’s bodyguard is to protect the tattoo, Gu Won becomes more concerned for Do Hee as the threats against her life increase.
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As a condition for Do Hee’s inheritance, Madam Ju requires Do Hee to marry. Do Hee’s search for a husband has an unexpected effect on Gu Won, and after a dramatic rescue, their feelings for one another slowly begin to alter. The two decide to marry and the unexpected spouses have their fair share of comedic ups and downs. But the turning point in their relationship occurs when Gu Won is fatally stabbed by the man hired to murder Do Hee. Distraught, Do Hee rushes to his side, the only one able to save him. This near-death experience helps them to realize their feelings for one another, but it also leads to them both becoming fearful of the other being hurt because of them.
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There was a lot of hype surrounding the pairing of Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang, and I am happy to say that they do not disappoint. Both actors are a joy to watch. They are both gorgeous with big eyes and expressive faces. They are stellar actors, capable of playing innocent or icy, whatever the scene calls for. Not only are they both stellar actors, but the chemistry they have on screen is electrifying. Two words: Sprinkler Kiss (more about that later)!
Courtesy of Drama Beans
From Gu Won saving the life of a young girl from her abusive father, to that same girl growing up and saving the life of another little girl in the same situation, “My Demon” abounds with stories of salvation. Do Hee and Gu Won save each other’s lives multiple times throughout the drama. Sometimes, that means pushing the other away or leaving them in order to save them. Do Hee is scared of happiness because she lost her parents during the happiest time of her life. When she finds happiness with Gu Won, life around her becomes increasingly dangerous, and she fears that she will lose Gu Won, too. Do Hee does not want to lose another person whom she cares about, so she pushes Gu Won away. She lies to him and says that he is too weak to protect her. Do Hee is afraid that Gu Won will be killed because of her.
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Gu Won leaves Do Hee because he fears that he will only make her miserable. Not only does he hear this from multiple others - including God (Cha Chung Hwa) - but Gu Won believes it himself. Upon meeting Do Hee, he begins to remember his previous life with her in which they shared a fate which ended in tragedy. Unwilling to allow her to suffer again due to him, Gu Won leave. But in reality, both Doo Hee and Gu Won are miserable apart.
Courtesy of Drama Beans
“My Demon” also looks at the concept that people are neither all good nor all bad. Both Do Hee and Gu Won have vulnerable and selfish moments, though both are easily redeemable. According to the God character, humans can become anything they decide – devil or god. Though Do Hee’s assailant and attempted murderer, Gi Kwang Chul (Kim Seol Jin), is an unhinged man who delights in causing fear, he is also portrayed as an artist who believes in his “craft.” And though Do Hee’s deranged cousin, Noh Do Gyeong (Kang Seung Ho), seems to delight is his insanity, he is portrayed as a victim of his father’s abuse and a loyal son.
The only exception to this pattern is the main antagonist of “My Demon,” Noh Suk Min (Kim Tae Hoon). He is portrayed as all bad, and unredeemable. Suk Min is Madam Ju’s eldest son and the most entitled of her children. His mother refers to him as the “spawn of Satan,” and though he initially portrays himself as the caring head of his family and mother’s company, it is not long before Suk Min’s mask slips and his true evil is revealed. Suk Min diabolically directs Gi Kwang Chul’s actions against Do Hee and Gu Won. Suk Min delights in lording his power over others, including his wife and son, whom he tortures. Suk Min believes that every goal requires collateral damage, even at the cost of both his mother and son’s lives. When Suk Min is finally brought to justice, he deservedly receives his comeuppance, locked inside his own private hell, visions of Madam Ju haunting him into insanity.
Courtesy of butwhytho
A Blind Eye
“My Demon” also examines the danger in turning a blind eye to evil. Kim Se Ra (Jo Yeon Hee), wife of Suk Min and mother to Do Gyeong, turns a blind eye to her husband’s actions. In so doing, she must accept some culpability of his crimes. Se Ra prefers to remain in the dark and bury her head in the sand. She tells her son that he deserves his punishment for disobeying his father, despite knowing full that her son is one of Suk Min’s numerous victims. Not only does Do Gyeong resent his mother’s weakness, he suffers a mental breakdown and eventually takes his own life. This is the turning point for Se Ra who eventually plays a critical role in bringing her husband to justice. Unfortunately, it is too late to save her son’s life.
Courtesy of The Envoy Web
Ju Seok Hoon
This K-drama has the potential for inducing some serious SLS – Second Lead Syndrome - thanks to Ju Seok Hoon (Lee Sang Yi), Madam Ju’s hardworking and loveable nephew. After Madam Ju passes away, Seok Hoon is Do Hee’s only remaining family. He has been in love with Do Hee for many years, and vows to remain by her side after she turns his proposal down. Ju Seok Hoon begins to suspect Gu Won’s non-human identity. Seok Hoon is an amazing match for Do Hee! He genuinely loves her and cares for her in so many ways. But ultimately, for a romance to work, the people have to share a love that transcends friendship and family. He threatens to keep showing up to keep an eye on him and make sure he treats her well. He is reassured by the fact that he is by her side.
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Ms. Shin
At the beginning of “My Demon,” Do Hee believes that Madam Ju is the only person that she can trust, but she comes to realize that she can also trust in her assistant, Shin Da Jeong (Seo Jung Yeon). But Ms. Shin is more than Do Hee’s righthand woman. She is also in charge of all aspects of Do Hee’s personal life, often acting as a surrogate older sister. The night of Do Hee’s attempted abduction, Ms. Shin feels guilty that she allowed Do Hee to go alone. When Gu Won leaves Do Hee stranded after an argument, it is Ms. Shin who arrives in the middle of the night to give her a ride home. When Do Hee needs to pull off a last-minute wedding for her marriage of convenience, it is Ms. Shin who handles the planning. Though cold on the outside, Ms. Shin is secretly a romantic who thinks that Do Hee and Gu Won meeting is fate. Ms. Shin is also someone whom Gu Won trusts, a rare praise indeed.
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Bromances are, without a doubt, one of my favorite aspects of K-dramas, and Gu Won takes part in two - one with his butler/personal assistant, Mr. Park Bok Gyu (Heo Jung Do), and one with Seok Hoon. Mr. Park is one of Gu Won’s human companions, having known him in multiple lives. In this life, he serves as his butler/personal assistant. He runs the day-to-day operations of the Sunwol Foundation, but as the human who understands Gu Won the best, he also serves the role of Gu Won’s best friend (though Gu Won would never - EVER - admit to it). Mr. Park provides much of the exposition of the series, as well as a fair share of its comic relief, a role which cannot be overstated nor overappreciated, given its intensity and dark characters.
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Gu Won and Seok Hoon share a bit of an unconventional, yet special, bromance in “My Demon.” Both men love Do Hee and wish to protect her. Seok Hoon’s distrust of Gu Won and Gu Won’s devilish taunting of Seok Hoon is both endearing and humorous. Gu Won believes that humans surpass demons in selfishness, yet Seok Hoon frequently proves him wrong. Despite losing to Gu Won for Do Hee’s affections, Seok Hoon pushes Gu Won to understand her, and Gu Won even relies on Seok Hoon as the person who understands her the most. One of my favorite interactions is their scene in the last episode of the series where Seok Hoon - genuinely grateful to see him alive and well again - embraces Gu Won over and over again. Gu Won, completely caught off-guard, can not escape and hilariously pleads with Do Hee for help.
Courtesy of Drama Beans
Greenhouse as a Character
Madam Ju’s greenhouse serves as an additional character in “My Demon.” Maybe because Madam Ju’s biological children are such a disappointment to her, Madam Ju refers to her greenhouse plants as her “babies.” Do Hee has many fond memories of Madam Ju in the greenhouse, but it is also the place where Madam Ju died. After Madam Ju’s death, Do Hee sees a butterfly in the greenhouse and is reminded of Madam Ju.
Courtesy of Drama Beans
And it is in the greenhouse where Gu Won and Do Hee share their first - and most passionate - kiss of the series, known as “The Sprinkler Kiss.” The kiss follows a pivotal moment in “My Demon” in which Gu Won makes a fateful choice. Unaware that his words echo those of Madam Ju, Gu Won tells Do Hee to do what is best for her, because that is what is best for him. Do Hee expresses her fear that, like everyone else she has ever loved, he will also die because of her. Gu Won simply states, “I don’t care,” and they share a kiss that somehow manages to express both their fear and their hope. Somehow, the kiss makes you feel that the two have come to love and appreciate each other. The camera focuses on Do Hee’s wedding ring, symbolizing their connection and their joined fate.
Water is a recurring theme in “My Demon,” and as Do Hee and Gu Won kiss inside the greenhouse, they are unexpectedly doused by the overhead sprinklers. Water represents many things in this drama, but most often it represents endurance. The water in this scene harkens back to the scene when Do Hee witnesses Gu Won’s powers for the first time as he hold’s back the ocean’s spray. Kissing scenes in the water are difficult and uncomfortable to shoot for actors, but these two make it look effortless. Despite the shock of the water, Do Hee and Gu Won never break their kiss, which represents their decision to endure life’s hardships together.
Courtesy of Hana
Role of God vs. Man’s Choices
In “My Demon,” there is a God character. She is a homeless woman who wears a baseball caps that has the word “Good” stitched on it, but one of the letter “o’s” have fallen off. on baseball cap. She watches over Gu Won and helps him to understand the ways of the universe. Initially, Gu Won’s interactions with God are a bit hostile, when she warns him of his impending and unavoidable fate with Do Hee. Humans blame evil on external forces, but all evil stems from human desire. God sets the rules in this world, but mankind can affect change with their choices they make. This concept that man makes his own destiny is affirmed when Do Hee has her tarot card by one of her employees, Ms. Choi Jung Mi (Lee Ji Won). When Do Hee draws the “Wheel of Fortune” card, Ms. Choi explains that “while our fortune may repeat itself under heaven’s plan and design, the direction in which it moves depends on man’s will and wit.”
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God also explains to Gu Won that without misfortune, there can be no happiness. Gu Won struggles to understand this concept, at first. “My Demon” argues that humans ultimately take happiness for granted, and in so doing, fail to appreciate it. Gu Won gets the opportunity to experience this loss firsthand, when he knowingly gives his life to save Do Hee. Do Hee is left in an almost catatonic state after the loss of Gu Won. Little by little, thanks to the love and understanding of Ms. Shin, Seok Hoon, and her sweet employees, Do Hee manages to carry on, while holding space for her grief.
In a compassionate move that surprises Gu Won, God hears Do Hee’s pleas for help and brings Gu Won back to life. In a flashback, we learn that Gu Won had humbly asked God to help Do Hee, if ever he was no longer able to remain by her side. It is after this that Gu Won understands God’s words - happiness has no meaning without misfortune. Choosing to love someone exposes you to the risk of suffering, and yet, love we must.
Final verdict: MUST WATCH
“My Demon” is definitely a MUST WATCH! It has it all - a breathtakingly gorgeous Lead Couple with palpable chemistry, a wonderfully suspenseful storyline that keeps you on your toes, a splendidly lovable ensemble of supporting characters, a fantastic and diverse OST, and a happy ending. “My Demon” asks, can love save a person? In both of their lives together, the Lead Couple would rather be miserable and die, as long as they can be together. Although the styling is not to my particular taste, Do Hee and Gu Won’s couple’s outfits evolve throughout the series, a visual representation of their connection to one another. “My Demon” noticeably draws inspiration from various works - “The Bodyguard” and “Batman” being two of the more obvious works - yet it is not a mere imitation of those that inspire it. “My Demon” manages to weave together a story that is both heartbreaking and heartwarming, and that invites the viewer to consider the people they appreciate in their own lives. My singular complaint with “My Demon” is that when God brings Gu Won back to the land of the living, she makes him a demon again. It is a common Korean trope that supernatural beings, after sacrificing for others, have the opportunity to live as humans. But choosing to have Gu Won return as an immortal demon, to love Do Hee, a mortal human, represents the main message of “My Demon” - that happiness has no meaning without the opportunity for loss. While I can appreciate the storytelling choice, my heart breaks for the romantic in me that knows that without a season two, there is no “happily ever after” for Gu Won and Do Hee.
Courtesy of Korea Travel Post
So there it is, our review of “My Demon.” What did you think?! Thank you for joining us on this journey.
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Up next, “Squid Games”